

Barla, J., Lorenz-Meyer, D., & Hinton, P. (2024). Provocations of new materialisms at the crossroads of the natural and human sciences. In van der Tuin, I. & Colman, F. (eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, S. 139-151.

Barla, J., Lorenz-Meyer, D., & Hinton, P. (2024). Curated panel: ‘New materialisms across the natural sciences and humanities: Trajectories, inspirations, and stirrings’. In: van der Tuin, I. & Colman, F. (eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, S. 212-238.

Eitel, K. & Wergin, C. (forthcoming). Handbuch Umweltethnologie. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Eitel, K. & Simon, S. (forthcoming). Multimodales Ethnographieren. In Eitel, K. & Wergins, C. (eds.), Handbuch Umweltethnologie. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Mewes, J. S. & Lippert, I. (2024). Caring for Methods: “Care-Ful Method Practice” through Methodography. In Lydahl, D. & Mossfeldt Nickelsen, N.C. (eds.), Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions: Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and Beyond. Cham: Springer, S. 171-186.

Richardson, L. (2024). Automated office infrastructures and the valuation of work. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, online first.

Zirker, F. (2024). Book Review: In Mediation with Difficult Kin: Bishnupriya Ghosh’s The Virus Touch, Somatosphere, published online: 02.02.2024.


Barla, J. (2023). Technologies of antiblackness: Black matter, racial bias, and the haunting past of the spirometer, Technology and Society 73.

Barla, J. (2023). Beyond reflexivity and representation: diffraction as a methodological sensitivity in science studies, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 24 (3), 444-466.

Barla, J., Hartmann, V., & von Verschuer, F. (2023). De/Koloniale Ordnungen des Lebens. In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F., & Voigt T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren: Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, S. 37-54.

Barla, J. (2023). Natur, Mensch und Gesellschaft im Anthropozän. Auf dem Weg zu einer mehr-als-menschlichen Soziologie?, Soziologische Revue 46 (1): 1-15.

Braun, V., Liburkina, R., & Lafuente-Funes, S. (2023). Die Ordnung der Zellen. Biopolitische Notizen aus dem Labor. . In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 157–175.

Eitel, K. (2023). Resilience. The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology, published online.

El Sherbini, A. N. & Lippert, I (2023). From Energy Poverty to Vulnerability: A Discourse Analysis of the European Union’s National Energy and Climate Plans. In Herrejón, P. V., Lennon, B., & Dunphy, N (eds.), Living with Energy Poverty: Perspectives from the Global North and South, ed., Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies. London: Routledge.

Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.) (2023). Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.

Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (2023). Einleitung: Leben Regieren. In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 11-34.

Kluzik, V. & Zöller, I. (2023). Von Selbstüberwachung zu ‚creative acts of making‘. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme aktueller Impulse in der Debatte um digitale Selbstvermessungspraktiken. In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, S. 139–156.

Liburkina, R. (2023). The Visible Hands That Feed: Responsibility and Growth in the Food Sector. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Lippert, I. (2023). Numbers. In Maguire, J. & Winthereik, B. R. (eds.), Reclaiming Technology: a poetic-scientific vocabulary. Copenhagen: Ctrl+Alt+Delete Books.

Liburkina, R. (2023). Cryovalues beyond high expectations: Endurance and the construction of value in cord blood banking. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48 (4), 777–804.

Liburkina, R, (2023). Morality amid audit culture: The indicative role of quality management work. In May, S., Groth, S., & Müske, J. (eds.), Morality as Organizational Practice. Münster/New York: Waxmann, 59–71.

Lippert, I. & Sareen, S. (2023). Alleviation of energy poverty through transitions to low-carbon energy infrastructure. Energy Research & Social Science, 100.

Richardson, L. (2023). How is the platform a workplace? Moving from sites to infrastructure. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, online first.

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von Verschuer, F., Hartmann, V. & Barla, J. (2023). Um/Ordnungen des Lebens: Konturen einer dekolonialen Analytik ökologischer Krisen. In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 37-54.


Barla, J., Kluzik, V., & Lemke, T. (eds.) (2022). Biokapital. Beiträge zur kritischen politischen Ökonomie des Lebens. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Barla, J., and Trischler, R. (2022). Neomaterialistische Techniksoziologien – Potenziale, Spannungen und Desiderata. Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation, 15 (1).

Barla, J. (2022). Rück-kehren als antworten: Technik, ‚Race‘ und das gespenstische Erbe von Materialisierungen. Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation, 15 (1).

Barla, J., and Bjork-James, S. (2022). Introduction: entanglements of anti-feminism and anti-environmentalism in the far-right. Australian Feminist Studies, 36 (110), 377-387.

Barla, J., and Bjork-James, S. (2022). A climate of misogyny: gender, politics of ignorance, and climate change denial – an interview with Katharine Hayhoe. Australian Feminist Studies, 36 (110), 388-395.

Barla, J., von Verschuer, F. (2022). Almanac: Anthropocene. Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 2 (3), 137–143.

Berfelde, R., & Kluzik, V. (2022). Platforms becoming infrastructural? Mapping socio-spatial transformations. In Bauriedl, S., & Strüver, Anke (eds.), Platform Urbanism Towards a technocapitalist transformation of European cities? Bielefeld: transcript (in press).

Berndt, C., & Boeckler, M. (2022). Spatial agencing, geographies of marketization and the multiple spaces of the global economy. In Cochoy, F., Guzman, G. & Diedrich, A. (eds.), Space and Organizing. From Agencing Space to Spatial Agencing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (in press). 

Boeckler, M. & Tristl, C. (2022). PAYGo water dispensers and the lifeworlds of marketization. In Rottenburg, R., Riedke, E., Umlauf, R.  & Beisel, U. (eds.), Translating Technology in Africa. Leiden: Brill (in press).

Boeckler, M. & Berndt, C. (2022). Mehr-als-ökonomische Geographien. Geschichten von Vermarktlichungen, Performativierungen und Laboratisierungen. In Rainer, G., Schröder, V. & Steiner, C. (eds.), Mehr-als-menschliche Geographien. Schlüsselkonzepte, Beziehungen und Methodiken. Stuttgart: Steiner, S. 157-180.       

Boeckler, M. (2022). Digitale Geographien: Neogeographie, Ortsmedien und der Ort der Geographie im Digitalen Zeitalter. In Bork-Hüffer, T. & Strüver, A. (eds.), Digitale Geographien: Einführungen in sozio-materiell-technologische Raumproduktionen. Stuttgart: Steiner, S. 25-36. 

Eitel, K. (2022). Recycling Infrastructures in Cambodia. Circularity, Waste, and Urban Life in Phnom Penh. London/New York: Routledge.

Eitel, K. (2022). Reshuffling responsibility: Waste, environmental justice, and citizenship. Worldwide Waste. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5 (1), 1–13.

Hauer, J. & Liburkina, R. (2022). Assembling Rice Production Systems across Burkina Faso and Uruguay. Berliner Blätter 86, 9–27.

Kluzik, V. (2022). A short essay on technological futures, uneven geographies, and the value of labour. European images: The photographic newsletter on European matters, 5.

Kluzik, V. (2022). Governing invisibility in the platform economy: excavating the logics of platform care. Special Issue on “Gender and the Platform Economy” of Internet Policy Review, 11 (1).

Lemke, T. (2022). Cryopreserving the present? The climate crisis and the emergence of a politics of suspension. Studia Krytyczne/Critical Studies, 10, 55-62.

Lemke, T.  (2022). Conceptualising Suspended Life: From Latency to Liminality. Theory, Culture & Society, 40 (6), S. 69–86.

Lemke, T. (2022). Governare il milieu. Per una biopolitica più-che-umana. In: Roberto Esposito (ed.), Almanocco di Filosofia e Politica 4: Sull’evento. Filosofia, storia, biopolitica, Macerata: Quodlibet, 49-67.

Lippert, I. (2022). Digitalisation as promissory infrastructure for sustainability. In Pellizzoni, L., Leonardi, E. & Asara, V. (eds.), Elgar Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar.

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Sultan, A., & Duff, C. (2022). The line of vulnerability in a recovery assemblage. International Journal of Drug Policy, 107.

Vilar, M. (Forthcoming). Feeling Out of the Box: Unmaking Chronicity and Co-Producing Medical Evidence through Life Assemblages in Brazil. In Schubert, C. and Voss, E. (eds.), Ambivalences of Healing Cooperations: Curing with and without Consensus. New York: Springer.

Vilar, M. (Forthcoming). Transfiguration. In George, P. and Greenberg, Y. (eds.), The Handbook of Religion and the Body. London: Routledge.

von Verschuer, F. (2022). Dis/continuities of extractivism in conservationism: The case of seed banking. Berliner Gazette, published online: 6 October 2022.


Barla, J. (2021). Beyond reflexivity and representation: diffraction as a methodological sensitivity in science studies. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 24 (3), 1–3.

Barla, J. (2021). Response-ability in the age of insects. Towards a politics of re-presenting as responding. In: Benek Çinçik and Tiago Torres-Campos (eds.), Postcards from the Anthropocene, Barcelona: dpr, 242-247.

Berndt, C., & Boeckler, M. (2021).  Geographien des Markts. In Schneider-Sliwa, R., Braun, B., Helbrecht, I. & Wehrhahn, R. (eds.), Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann., S. 439-446. 

Eitel, K. (2021). Oozing matters. The infrastructure of ‘waste management’ in Phnom Penh and emergent naturecultures. Journal for East Asian Science & Technology Studies, 15 (2), 135–152.

Eitel, K. (2021). Waste fantasies: Challenging prevailing notions of waste, or how to reclaim political land. Network for Contemporary Anthropological Theory.

Eitel, K. & Meurer, M. (eds.) (2021). Ecological ontologies. Approaching human-environmental engagements. Berliner Blätter, 84 (1).

Lemke, T. (2021). The Government of Things. Foucault and the New Materialisms. New York: New York University Press.

Lemke, T. (2021). Welcome to Whenever. Exploring Suspended Life in Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values, online first.

Liburkina, R. (2021). Extraordinary ethnographic encounters in extraordinary times: A plea for experimental interventions in more-than-business relations. Kulturanthropologie Notizen 83, 14-26.

Lippert, I. & Mewes, J. (2021). Data, Methods and Writing. Science & Technology Studies, 34 (3).

Hoppe, K., & Lemke, T. (2021). Neue Materialismen zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius. 

Kluzik, V. (2021). Zur Aktualisierung von Flexploitation: Sorge, Prekarität und digitale Plattformen. In Altenried, M., Dück, J., & Wallis, M., Plattformkapitalismus und die Krise sozialer Reproduktion. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 

Kluzik, V. (2021): Seeing like a platform: caring democracies in the digital age. In Wahal, E. (ed.), Unboxing AI. Utopie 108/ Futuro del lavaro. Milan: Fondacione Giacomo Feltrinelli.

Lemke, T. (2021). Eingemischt. In: DUZ. Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 1, 8.

Liburkina, R. (2021). Extraordinary Ethnographic Encounters in Extraordinary Times: A Plea for Experimental Interventions in More-than-Business Relations. Kulturanthropologie Notizen 83, 14-26.

Liburkina, R., Lemke, T., Braun, V., & Lafuente-Funes, S. (2021). Dynamiken des Stillstands: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf kryobiologische Anwendungen. In: 46th Annual Meeting of the Deutscher Kaelte- und Klimatechnischer Verein 2020: Deutsche Kaelte- und Klimatagung 2020 Proceedings Vol. 1, 60-67.

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Scheffer, T. (2021). Apparat/Apparatur. in: Peter Gostmann; Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz (Hg.), Macht und Herrschaft. Zur Revision zweier soziologischer Grundbegriffe. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 

Scheffer, T. (2021). Existentielle Probleme, soziologisch. Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie (ZTS), (1).

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von Verschuer, F. (2021). Making Post/Anthropocentric Futures in Agrobiodiversity Conservation, Nature and Culture, 16 (1), 47–64.


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Eitel, K. (2019). “Power is absolutely central to questions like ‘What is waste? And what is not waste? What is wasted? And what is not? And: what flourishes?’” An Interview with Max Liboiron, managing editor of Discard Studies and director of the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR). Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, Müll und Globalisierte Ungleichheiten, XXXV (2/3), 195–214.

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