Till Straube

is a Research Associate at the Department of Human Geography at Goethe University Frankfurt. With years of experience as a software engineer and project manager in the technology sector, he designs theoretically-informed, hands-on learning experiences that introduce students to Geography’s quantitative methods in meaningful ways. His teaching underlines the importance of data literacy and critical approaches to digital technologies. Tills research interests center around critical data science, digital infrastructures and security technologies. His paper-based PhD project will come to a conclusion at the end of 2019. 


Core Publications

Straube, T., & Belina, B. (2018). Policing the Smart City. Eine Taxonomie polizeilicher Prognoseprogramme. In Bauriedl, S., & Strüver, A. (eds), Smart Cities. Kritische Reflexionen aktueller Raumproduktionen mit digitalen Technologien und Smart City Strategien. Bielefeld: Transcript, 223–236.

Kemper, J., & Straube, T. (2018). Algorithmen und Big Data. Perspektiven einer kritischen Forschung. In Vogelpohl, A., Michel, B., Lebuhn, H., Hoerning, J., & Belina, B. (eds), Raumproduktionen II. Theoretische Kontroversen und politische Auseinandersetzungen. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 136–157.

Straube, T. (2018). Situating Digital Infrastructures. In Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P., & and McArdle, G. (eds), Data and the City. London: Routledge, 156–170.

Straube, T. (2016). Stacked Spaces. Mapping Digital Infrastructures. Big Data & Society 3 (2), 1–12.

Most recent

Straube, T. (2019). The Black Box and Its Dis/contents. Complications in Algorithms Research. In de Goede, M., Bosma, E., & Pallister-Wilkins, P. (eds), Secrecy and Methods in Security Research. A Guide to Qualitative Fieldwork. London: Routledge, 175–192.