Ruzana Liburkina
graduated in European Ethnology from Humboldt University Berlin and in Social & Cultural Anthropology from Free University Berlin. From 2016 to 2019, Ruzana Liburkina was a doctoral researcher at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) in Berlin. Her ethnographic research on responsibility relations and economic growth in the realm of food production and distribution was funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU). Before, she worked as a research associate at the Laboratory for Anthropology of Science and Technology (today Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations) in Berlin. From September 2019 on, she will be part of the ERC-funded project CRYOSOCIETIES at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Core Publications
Liburkina, R. (2023). The Visible Hands That Feed: Responsibility and Growth in the Food Sector. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Liburkina, R. (2023). Cryovalues beyond high expectations: Endurance and the construction of value in cord blood banking. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48 (4), 777–804.
Liburkina, R. (2021). Extraordinary ethnographic encounters in extraordinary times: A plea for experimental interventions in more-than-business relations. Kulturanthropologie Notizen 83, 14-26.
Most recent
Liburkina, R, (2023). Morality amid audit culture: The indicative role of quality management work. In May, S., Groth, S., & Müske, J. (eds.), Morality as Organizational Practice. Münster/New York: Waxmann, 59–71.
Braun, V., Liburkina, R., & Lafuente-Funes, S. (2023). Die Ordnung der Zellen. Biopolitische Notizen aus dem Labor. . In Hoppe, K., Rüppel, J., von Verschuer, F. & Voigt, T. H. (eds.), Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 157–175.
Hauer, J. & Liburkina, R. (2022). Assembling Rice Production Systems across Burkina Faso and Uruguay. Berliner Blätter 86, 9–27.