Lizzie Richardson
studied Geography at the University of Cambridge and Durham University. Since 2020, she is a Junior Professor of Digital Geography in the Department of Human Geography in Frankfurt. She has previously held research and teaching positions at the University of Sheffield, Durham University and the University of Cambridge. Much of her research focuses on the socio-spatial dimensions of economy, with a particular interest in work cultures and technologies. Her current research examines the emergence and implications of platform technologies and platformization for the spatial definition of economic activity.
Core Publications
Richardson, L. (2020). Coordinating the city: platforms as flexible spatial arrangements. Urban Geography, 41 (3), 458–461.
Richardson, L. (2020). Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal. Antipode, 52 (3), 619–636.
Richardson, L. & Bissell, D. (2019). Geographies of digital skill. Geoforum 99: 278-286.
Richardson, L. (2019). Culturalisation and devices: what is culture in cultural economy? Journal of Cultural Economy, 12: 228–241.
Richardson, L. (2018). Feminist geographies of digital work. Progress in Human Geography, 42 (2): 244–263
Cockayne, D. & Richardson, L. (2017). Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies. Gender, Place and Culture, 24 (11), 1642–1658.
Richardson, L. (2017). Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10 (2), 297–310.
Richardson, L. (2015). Performing the sharing economy. Geoforum, 67, 121–129.
Most recent
Richardson, L. (2024). Automated office infrastructures and the valuation of work. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, online first.
Richardson, L. (2023). How is the platform a workplace? Moving from sites to infrastructure. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, online first.
Richardson, L. (2022). (De)constructing gender with office technology: from typewriter to productivity apps. Technique&Culture.
Richardson, L. (2021). Coordinating office space: digital technologies and the platformization of work. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 39 (2), 347-365.