Franziska Zirker

Franziska Zirker is a Research Associate in the subproject “The Pandemic Situation. Health Security and the Politics of Epidemiological Data” of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio 138 “Dynamics of Security. Types of Securitization from a Historical Perspective” at the University of Marburg. Her PhD research investigates technoscientific efforts to make health emergencies governable through the “real time” capture of the given epidemic situation as a snapshot of quantitative data streams. Trained in sociology and political science at the Universities of Marburg and Frankfurt/Main, she is passionate about science and technology studies, feminist theory, and social research methods.


Zirker, F. (2024). Book Review: In Mediation with Difficult Kin: Bishnupriya Ghosh’s The Virus Touch, Somatosphere, published online: 02.02.2024.

Behrends, J., Leuthner, R., Reinhardt, D., Stühlen, C., Wenz, A.-R. & Zirker, F. (2022). Solidarität, Care und Widerstand an der französisch-italienischen Grenze. In: Kollektiv Dagegenhalten (ed.), Zivilgesellschaftliche Solidarität(en) gegen das EU-Grenzregime, Frankfurt am Main, 28-31.

Zirker, F. (2020). Die Better Regulation Agenda der Europäischen Kommission aus hegemonietheoretischer Perspektive. Forschungsgruppe Europäische Integration am Institut für Politikwissenschaft des Fachbereichs Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Arbeitspapier Nr. 35.